HKU-HKIPD IP Forum 2015 (Patent and Innovation: Worldwide Patent Law Reform and Hong Kong’s Response)
Co-organized by the Centre, the HKU Technology Transfer Office, and the HKSAR Intellectual Property Department
Date: January 16, 2015
Venue: Conference Room, 11/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, The University of Hong Kong
- Dr. Yahong Li, Associate Professor, Faulty of Law, HKU
Presentation: “PRC Patent Reform: Prioritizing Innovation” - Professor Bryan Mercurio, Professor and Associate Dean of Faculty of Law, CUHK
Presentation: “Amending the TRIPS Agreement to Promote Innovation: What if…” - Mr. Kenneth Yip, Vice President, IIPCC
Presentation: “Cost and operational issue from an in-house perspective”
An interview with Dr Yahong Li, the conference organizer, on the HKU Legal Scholarship Blog, view here.