Rethinking Social Justice and Intellectual Property Protection in China
Principal Investigator: Haochen Sun
Funded by Small Project Funding. The project completed in December 2014.
Symposium on Privacy in Greater China Conference 2014
Symposium on Privacy in Greater China Conference held on Nov 28, 2014.
Conflicts at the Intersection of Competition Law and Securities Regulation: Hong Kong and the United States
Principal Investigator: Kelvin Kwok
Funded by Seed Fund for Basic Research. The 2-year project completed in October 2014.
“Transformation” in Copyright Law – The Infringer’s Magic Wand?: A Case Study of Disney
Seminar by Dr. David Tan (National University of Singapore) on Oct 24, 2014.
Fair Use and Creativity in Internet Environment from a Comparative Perspective (網絡環境下合理使用與創造力之關係的比較研究)
Research project funded by GRF, conducted by Dr. Yahong Li (PI).
An Economic Analysis of Limited Shareholder Liability in Contractual Claims
Author: Thomas Cheng
In: Berkeley Business Law Journal, 2014, v. 11 n. 1, p. 113-181.
Cyber Law in Hong Kong (2nd ed.)
Author: Zhao Yun
Publisher: Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International. 2014.
Liability of Internet Host Providers in Defamation Actions: From Gatekeepers to Identifiers
Author: Anne Cheung
In: Koltay, A (Ed.), Media Freedom and Regulation in the New Media World, p. 289-307. Budapest, Hungary: Wolters Kluwer, 2014.
Reforming Anti-Dilution Protection in the Globalization of Luxury Brands
Author: Haochen Sun
Published in Georgetown Journal of International Law, v. 45 n. 3, p.783-823. 2014.
The Boundary of Intellectual Property and Balance of Interest 知識產權的邊界與利益平衡
Author: Yahong Li
Published: Research on Rule of Law 法治研究雜誌社, Vol. 94 No. 10, p. 28-37, 2014.
Patenting Trend in China and the United States: Implications to Innovation
Author: Yahong Li
Published in: Jahrbuch des Deutsch-Chinesischen Instituts für Rechtswissenschaft der Universitäten Göttingen und Nanjing, v. 11, p. 62-90.
The New Hong Kong Competition Law: Anomalies and Challenges
Author: Kelvin Kwok
Published in World Competition: Law and Economics Review, v. 37 n. 4 . pp. 541–567 (2014)
Ready for Action: Looking Ahead to the Implementation of Hong Kong’s Competition Ordinance
Author: Thomas Cheng
Published in Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, v. 5 n. 2, 88-94. 2014
Value Pluralism and Intellectual Property Law Conference
Value Pluralism and Intellectual Property Law Conference held on June 10 and 11, 2014.
Competition law in Hong Kong: international and comparative perspectives
Research project led by Kelvin Kwok.
Legal Issues in China’s Possible Participation in the International Space Station (ISS)
Principal Investigator: Zhao Yun
Funded by Seed Fund for Basic Research. The 2-year project completed in May 2014.
The Brazilian Innovation & Intellectual Property System
The symposium was held on May 26, 2014 aiming to present an overview of the innovation and intellectual property landscape in Brazil.
Charting the New Frontiers of Intellectual Property Protection of Fashion Brands and Designs Conference
Charting the New Frontiers of Intellectual Property Protection of Fashion Brands and Designs Conference held on May 10, 2014.
Communication & Technology in the Past, Present and Future of Europe
Seminar by Professor Dr Žiga Turk (University of Ljubljana) on April 30, 2014.
Surveillance Along the Electronic Silk Road: China and the United States
Seminar by Professor Anupam Chander (University of California) on April 29, 2014.